
Blue Force Mobile Training Team

Professional Business Development

Empowering Others Through Training
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Training is a continuous process that helps businesses achieve their goals when implemented strategically. Professional training plays a significant role in employee development and retention, thus increasing job satisfaction and morale, improving productivity, and earning more profit. An effective training program assists employees in managing tasks individually or in teams.

Charge Forward

Custom Training To Fit Your Needs

We take pride in designing training to meet the requested learning objectives and your business goals. Our training content incorporates current research and real-world examples and is customized with role-specific skills the learner needs to know. This approach gives employees a better understanding of their responsibilities and the knowledge and skills they need to do their job more confidently.

Our Specialties

Serving Diverse Clients Across Industries

Business or Indvidual

Law Enforcement

Local Governance

Military Service

Humanitarian Organizations

Community-Based Organizations


Empowerment Services We Offer


Setting leadership development goals can take place either as part of a formal development planning process or just because it’s a proven way to improve as a leader continuously. Leadership development goals should always be specific and relevant to the individual leader and linked to the organizational context.  Our training takes a systematic approach to expanding an individual’s ability to perform as a leader in these key areas: 

Communication, Collaboration, Conflict Resolution, Coaching, Influencing Others, Mentoring, Negotiations, Professional Development and Strategic Management


Diversity training assists in facilitating positive intergroup interaction, reduce prejudice and discrimination, and generally teach individuals who are different from others how to work together effectively. Our training guide course participants in the process of embracing differences and advantageously using these differences. Our course identifies the benefits of diversity such as access to a more significant pool of candidates, minimizing turnover, promoting a creative workforce, and an understanding of consumers, which results in organizational and economic growth.


Implicit bias refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions unconsciously. If not adequately managed, implicit bias can harm an individual’s decision-making process and how they interact with other cultures. Our training provides course participants with three essential elements required to defeat implicit bias, which is cultural: awareness, knowledge, and skills. These three components make the course participants culturally competent. This form of training gives them the ability to be more receptive to different cultures, beliefs, practices, and languages. 


Trauma-Informed Training is an approach in the human service field that assumes an individual is more likely than not to have a history of trauma. This form of training recognizes the presence of trauma symptoms and acknowledges the role trauma may play in an individual’s life- including service staff. During this training, our clients are provided with the necessary tools to recognize trauma symptoms better and can help avoid re-traumatizing individuals and increase safety for all.


Team building training improves workplace projects that involve teamwork. After completing team building activities together, employees better understand each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests. This understanding helps them work even better together on future progress vital to a company.

Our training provides an overview of team dynamics and the role it plays within an organization. Training participants are given insight into their styles and the styles of members of the team. Effective communication and listening skills will be developed through a series of training scenarios and open conversations. 


Training the Trainer is essential to providing the necessary skills and knowledge, an individual needs to be a competent instructor. This form of training ensures that the subject matter expert can deliver the course information in a manner that is beneficial to the course participants. Our training assist course participants in making the transition to a trainer through the process of understanding how adults learn, course development, presenting materials, and time management.


Coaching is a self-development tool in which an experienced person, or coach, helps a client or group of people achieve a specific personal or professional goal. The coach only provides guidance and measures the client’s progress: the client implements the strategies needed to achieve results. Our coaches help their clients identify unique challenges and become aware of their environments so that they can make the changes that they seek. They help clients achieve objectives by making them accountable for their actions, improving goal setting, and providing encouragement throughout the process. 


Our American Heart Association Basic Life Support and CPR & First Aid course trains participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations, and provide early use of an AED. The training adheres to the science and education of the American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC).

“Thanks so very much for today, Dr. Whitfield! A few employees came up and thanked us for having you today. One said you left them feeling motivated to think about their leadership capabilities. I also gained a new perspective to learn and grow more!”

-Brianne Cooper, Director of Human Resources and Finance, Wood County Sheriff’s Office

Leadership Development and Leading Through Change Course

About the Training

“I would say my mindset has already been changed. I would leave each session with thoughts and ideas of how I can change my role as a leader and how I view leadership. I am making it a daily practice to evaluate my thoughts, words, and actions from a leadership perspective so that I can continue to make improvements.”

About the Facilitator

Dr. Whitfield was extremely knowledgeable in all areas covered during the training. He focused on scenarios that were real-world and applicable to my position. After the scenarios we as a group discussed, this made digesting the materials much easier. 

About the Training

My mindset has already shifted to lean more toward positive thinking and trying to find creative solutions to resolving issues. Ultimately, you cannot change a personality, but you can try to appeal to a person’s values to reach the objectives you think will bring solutions to your life/work/relationships. 

About the Facilitator

Dr. Whitfield was very knowledgeable with experience in leading and could read our room and personalities very well. I liked that the training was very interactive and definitely kept the room engaged. It was an excellent training on leadership. The role play was instrumental in practicing the techniques and information learned.

About the Training

I think it will help me be more aware when speaking to other’s to ensure that I am culturally aware and viewing things from their perspective.

About the Facilitator

The speaker is very knowledgeable and engaging, with an in-depth look at topics and an opportunity to see tactics in action.

About the Training

I enjoyed implementing the ideas through the group work and case scenarios. While tough, it was nice to be able to gain experience and hear other perspectives in a practice environment.

From Our Founder

Make Your Own Opportunities

Every organization faces specific challenges regarding leading and mobilizing its workforce. We eliminate those challenges by providing custom designed training concepts that best match your needs and objectives. Training should be an ongoing, engaging, and empowering process that is consistently long-term and never ends. This approach gives our clients the skills to maneuver confidently in today’s constantly changing work environment.

As long as you can draw a breath, you have an opportunity.

– Dr. Marvin Whitfield

Failing to empower others, is essentially failing to lead.

– Dr. Marvin Whitfield

Failure is how we identify and fix our vulnerabilities.

– Dr. Marvin Whitfield

Set Up a Free Consultation Today!

Blue Force Mobile Training Team LLC
Phone: (434) 466-1287
Email: blueforcemtt@yahoo.com